2. Tom's decision to take a gap year

 Tom is a very curious person and he wanted to know how much he knew about Ireland so he did a quiz to check. Do the quiz that Tom once did. 


Irish landscape

Imagen de minniemouseaunt en Flickr bajo licencia CC


It's not difficult to see why Ireland is a prime travel destination. With millions of people around the world identifying as Irish, it's not uncommon to travel here with the intent of researching one's roots. However, there are many more reasons to visit Ireland besides a genealogical expedition!

With an amazing sense of hospitality and a breath-taking landscape (the "forty shades of green" cliche is absolutely true!), it's easy to constantly be in awe while visiting. Ireland has plenty to see and do, whether you're in pursuit of a trip based on the country's natural beauty or historic landmarks.

Ireland has a rich history and culture, with some surprising facts. Is the "luck of the Irish" with you? Try it out by taking this quiz and receiving your whirlwind introduction to Ireland trivia. Then, be sure to check out the variety of ways you can travel to Ireland, from study to work to volunteer!


Cuestionario SCORM

1. What is the official symbol of Ireland?





2. Which colour traditionally represents Ireland?





3. Dublin is the Anglicized version of the word "Dubh Linn". What does this name mean?

Black Pool

Wading Pool

Red Meadow


4. What are Ireland's two national sports?

Football and Rugby

Gaelic Football and Hurling

Jousting and Hurling

Rugby and Gaelic Football

5. The size of the island of Ireland is roughly the equivalent to which US state?



New York


6. Which country can claim that nearly half of its population is of Irish descent?



United States

New Zealand

7. About how many pints of beers are drunk in Ireland each year?

327 million

595 million

694 million

892 million

8. How many castles are in Ireland?





9. True or False: The tricolor flag represents peace between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.



Caso práctico

After doing the test, you can see the correct answers below.


Did you know the origin of the term "gap year" and its philosophy? Click here to learn more about it. You can also watch the following video for more information about the advantages of taking a gap year:




Rellenar huecos

The following statements have been taken from the above video about "gap year". Fill in the blanks with the words you hear:


Speaker 1: "There are now more than different gap year in the country offering anything from to and projects"


Speaker 2: "...about take gap years"


Speaker 4: "A gap year can be a very good for many students"


Speaker 5: "Students who take a gap year tend to be more when they start the "


Speaker 6: "I've taken a gap year going to and working as a "

                  "It helps obviously to improve my and I had an amazing "