1. Music to my ears

Imagen de madebymangotree 
en Flickr bajo licencia CC

Reflect upon the following questions:

  • Can you play any musical instrument? If so, which one?
  • Did you use to play one and then you gave up?
  • Which are the sections into which an orchestra is divided?
  •  Do you have a good ear for music?
  • Can you think of a song with a catchy tune?
Rellenar huecos

Watch the video below and write Y (for yes) next to the word in the grid that you can listen to while watching the video. On the contrary, if you don't listen to it, write N (for no):

1. Orchestra  6. Cello 11. Tuba
2. Mandolin  7. Tambourine 12. Timpani
3. Woodwind  8. Double Bass 13. Cymbals 
4. Oboe  9. Brass 14. Harp
5. Bassoon  10. French horn 15. Accordion 



Imagen de englishmeeting en Flickr bajo licencia CC

 If you are interested in the pronunciation of the musical instruments studied above,

have a look at this Talking Dictionary of English Pronunciation.

Rellenar huecos

The words below are all related to music. Match them to the definition. Use the space provided to write the letter.

1. Choir a. The person who composes music.
2. Composer b. The person who directs an orchestra, a choir...
3. Lead singer c. Melody
4. Orchestra d. An organized group of singers who sing together especially in church services. 
5. Conductor e. A group of musicians who normally play music for dancing.
6. Singer-songwriter f. A group of musicians who play a variety of instruments together.
7. Tune g. To sing a song with karaoke.
8. Catchy tune h. Somebody who writes and sings his/her own songs.
9. Band i. The main singer in a band.
10. To sing karaoke j. The words of a song.
11. Lyrics k. A tune which is easily remembered or imitated.

Let's review the pronunciation of some of the words related to music studied above. Read the following transcriptions and guess the word.


1. /ˈɔː(r)kɪstrə/  6. /mjuˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ 
2. /kwaɪə(r)/ 7. /beɪs/
3. /ˌkæriˈəʊki/ 8. /ˈtʃeləʊ/
4. /tjuːn/ 9. /hɑː(r)p/
5. /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ 10. /ˈəʊbəʊ/