6. Bitesize

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Throughout this unit we have studied aspects of British music like British musical genres, britpop and Beatlemania, we have also learnt about British musical festivals such as Glastonbury and last but not least we have also analyzed the lyrics of the British National Anthem. 

What else have you learnt?

  • As far as vocabulary is concerned, we have studied vocabulary related to music, musical instruments, slang and proverbs related to this topic. 
  • From a grammatical point of view, we have studied how to use the particles so and neither. Apart from that we have reviewed linking words to express reason, purpose, contrast, condition, result and time.  
  •  If we consider the language functions of this unit, we have studied expressions to manage a conversation i.e. how to encourage someone to contribute, how to keep your turn, how to get time to think and how to stay on an original topic of the conversation. 
  • With regards to pronunciation, we have introduced intonation patterns in English highlighting how falling intonation works. Besides, we have reviewed the pronunciation of music related words through phonetic symbols.